We have built our audience using Social Media. It can be an efficient way to market to people who like the type of music we play and the personalities that make the station sound so Boss! We count on Social Media to help spread our message to a world of music-loving fans.
We rely on Facebook to help us spread the word, and the only way to receive our posts in your Facebook News Feed is to Like our page. But even "liking" us won't ensure you receive our posts. That's because a lot of technical stuff behind the scenes decides what you see and what you don't on your feed. Below are some ways that we know of to increase the likelihood that you'll see our posts. We post a few things daily, pertaining to the station, the Boss artists, pop culture and even retro posts for your enjoyment and entertainment. We will NEVER post anything political in nature, or NSFW.
In addition to the tips below, remember that you can help increase your chances of receiving our posts when you regularly interact with them by liking, sharing and commenting. This shows the technical side of Facebook that you WANT to receive our posts. We appreciate you interacting with us just like we were another of your friends.

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